Supporting the Supporters 2020

Event: Supporting the Supporters 2020

Wednesday 6th May

Supporting the Supporters is a free (virtual) event for adults who support young people who are care experienced.

Join Greater Manchester Higher on the 6th May to find out the most up-to-date information about the support available to young people who are care experienced in the run up to, and whilst at University.

They aim to make the day really practical, accessible and informative with a choice of different workshops for delegates to attend.

Delegates will have the opportunity to find out about support available for care leavers across the Greater Manchester Universities, hear from Manchester Local Authority about the support they provide for young people in their care, learn about Careers and Wellbeing support at university and, most importantly, hear from care leavers themselves about their experiences of entering Higher Education.

This event is most relevant to foster carers, social workers, designated teachers – and any adults who work with young people who might wish to go to University but might not have all the information to hand.

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  • Virtual

HeppFEST Reloaded is LIVE! Rediscover four days of FREE sessions to inspire, motivate and increase the confidence of students on their journey to Higher Education. Visit website