Young Carers

Hepp Young Carers Booklet

  • Type: Booklet
  • Year Group: Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13


At Hepp we want to encourage young carers to consider higher education opportunities.  We understand that as a young carer, you may be nervous and worried about the thought of going to university or college.  With the help of our booklet, “A guide for young carers considering higher education” we provide lots of information to help you in your decision. For further information, activities and clips scroll down the page.

Universities and other higher education providers, offer a lot of support to help you achieve your higher education and career goals.  They want to find ways to make higher education work for you.  Being a young carer should never stop you from reaching your dreams, ambitions, or goals.

Going to university or college can:

  • open up many more career opportunities and develop and further your life skills
  • allow you to gain the skills you need to help get your dream job, and potentially earn more money in your working life
  • give you the chance to make lasting friendships, adapt more quickly to a changing world and have greater self-confidence

If you have any questions however small, please get in touch using the Contact Us form. Hepp are here to help you reach your aspirations.

Useful Links

Become. The Charity for Children in Care and Young Care Leavers 

Use the filter boxes below to refine the resources shown:



Year Group



Supporting young people and adults into higher education – Young Carers

Supporting young people and adults into higher education – Young Carers


Young Carer Student Story – Hannah

Young Carer Student Story – Hannah


Benefits of Higher Education Recorded Session

Benefits of Higher Education Recorded Session


A Taste of University Recorded Session

A Taste of University Recorded Session



NameDescriptionYear GroupLink
Students’ Guide to University 2024The key higher education facts for students thinking about university from
Hepp Young Carers BookletHepp guide to young carer entry to higher education.Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13


NameDescriptionYear GroupLink
Benefits of Higher EducationThe presentation from our Y7 & Y8 “Benefits of Higher Education” session for Care Experienced Students and Young Carers on 6 May 2021. The session helped students understand what higher education/university is and why people choose to go, the difference between school and higher education and all the different types of support available. The accompanying presentation can be found in the “Film” section.Y7, Y8
A Taste of University PresentationThe presentation from our Y9-Y11 “Taste of University” session for Care Experienced Students and Young Carers on 10 March 2021. The session helped students understand what, where and how you can study higher education and the different types of support available. The accompanying presentation can be found in the “Film” section.Y9, Y10, Y11

HeppFEST Reloaded is LIVE! Rediscover four days of FREE sessions to inspire, motivate and increase the confidence of students on their journey to Higher Education. Visit website