Pursuing Activities Outside School

24th June 2020

Sam studied Sport Business Management at Sheffield Hallam University. He is originally from Sheffield but still moved out when he started his studies. He worked as a football referee when studying, starting out at a level 7 grade. He is now a level 4 referee as well as a Higher Education Engagement Assistant at Hepp.

When I was at secondary school, I didn’t realise how much of an impact taking part in activities outside school would have on me later on in life. I’m someone who puts 100% into everything I do and have always been up for trying new things. I started Scouting when I was six, a decision my parents made for me, but it was certainly my choice to keep going when I started secondary school. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was setting a great foundation for life.

The experiences I shared with my peers in Scouts have aided me in the long-term. Attending two World Scout Jamborees, one in Sweden and the other in Japan, developed my cultural awareness. I really began to understand the various backgrounds people come from. Also, helping to set up a new Scout group in one of the most socially deprived areas of Sheffield showed me that the smallest things can brighten up a young person’s week. I still believe that working with a range of young people in the Scouts is what helped me get the role I currently have within Hepp.

During secondary school, I took my football referees exam and started officiating as a 15-year-old. Having the responsibility of refereeing gave me a lot of confidences as an adolescent. Dealing with conflict is a weekly occurrence, that’s just the nature of the game. This confidence has helped me to challenge myself and take on larger tasks at work that I may have shied away from without my previous experiences.

If I had to give one bit of advice to someone not knowing how they can best utilise their time, it would be to always give something a go. You don’t know you’ll like it unless you try it! I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without that theory. Like with Scouting and football refereeing, I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy going to university. I always thought it was for the rich and A* students. It really isn’t, I finished school with average grades and come from a working-class background. University is one of the most diverse places I have ever been.


Categories: Graduate Interns.

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