News: Using Hepp In School : Effective Integration Into Drop-Down Days

3rd January 2019

There are many different ways that Hepp can deliver engagements to schools, but a recent great example was a Year 8 Drop-Down day at Newfield School in Sheffield.  The school had dedicated the whole day to opportunity and careers, which our “Choices & Pathways” workshops integrated into very effectively.

Our sessions focused explicitly on the students’ learning journey, offering advice on how to choose GCSE options, how to make informed decisions and how the choices they make now may inform higher education and career pathways. The workshop’s interactive nature and scenario-based activities encouraged students to practise making decisions for others, while also exploring their own personal goals and passions.

In the school-run sessions alongside Hepp’s workshops, students were able to experience and investigate an extensive array of GCSE subjects including Photography, Drama and Health & Social Care.

Paul Thornely, Assistant Headteacher commented that:

‘Hepp’s involvement on the day assisted students in making the clear links between upper school choices, attainment and future career pathways including higher education. The students have cited the sessions as ‘very informative’ and ‘helped me to see higher education as a possibility’. Staff also commented on how impressed they had been with the delivery of the sessions from Hepp.’

Get in touch with your Regional Activities Coordinator to discuss how your school could most effectively use Hepp’s workshops.


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