Event: Medicine and Healthcare Online Summer Schools and Taster Weeks
Monday 8th June - Friday 10th July
The University of Leeds’ online summer schools and taster weeks have been designed to give potential applicants the opportunity to explore the University’s subject areas and gain an insight into life as a Medicine and Health student at University. You’ll have the opportunity to take part in subject taster sessions , as well as have the opportunity to have discussions with students about their life studying these courses and professions.
The dates of the summer schools and taster weeks are:
- Dentistry Summer School, Monday 8th June – Friday 12th June 2020
- Healthcare Taster Week, Monday 22nd June – Friday 26th June 2020
- Medicine Summer School, Monday 29th June – Friday 3rd July 2020
- Psychology Taster Week, Monday 6th July – Friday 10th July 2020
Requesting Your Place
To take part in the online summer schools and taster weeks, you should be a current Year 11 or Year 12 / First Year Level 3 student interested in applying to a Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare or Psychology course in the future. Priority access will be given to students who meet the University’s Access to Leeds criteria, however the outreach team will do all they can to ensure they can meet demand for these sessions.
To request your place on one or more of the summer schools / taster weeks, please complete the online application form. Applications close at 23:59 on Friday 1st May 2020.
You will be informed if you have been successful in applying for your weeks the week commencing Monday 4th May 2020.
If you have any questions, please do contact the Health Sciences team.