Event: Girls in Maths Day
Monday 13th January, 9:30am - 2:30pm
The day is free to attend however students must bring a packed lunch and calculator.
Suitable for: Girls in Y9 of any ability.
A series of workshops and talks with the aim of inspiring more girls to take up maths.
The day will include:
- Guest Speaker: Dr Katie Steckles – ‘Maths Greatest Unsolved Puzzles’
- A mathematical modelling session, in which students will work together to tackle a problem.
- Cryptography – solving puzzles
- A chance to talk to current Sheffield Hallam maths students, plus a campus tour.
- The opportunity to play strategy games from Sheffield Hallam’s Maths Arcade
15 places per school in the first instance.
To book places please contact the Schools and Colleges Liaison Office: sclo@shu.ac.uk