Event: SHU Progress – Student Support Session
Thursday 7th March, 5:30pm - 7:45pm
SHU Progress provides additional support to applicants to Sheffield Hallam University, who’s personal circumstances means they may face barriers in progressing to university.
As part of this support, the widening participation and outreach team at Sheffield Hallam University are hosting an preparation event which is exclusive to members of SHU Progress. (Not a member of SHU Progress? Find out more: www.shu.ac.uk/shuprogress)
The evening will be a one stop shop to answer any questions you may have about the next stages of your university application. There will be interactive workshops and information stands to give you the opportunity to have a friendly and informal chat with current university students and staff. The event will include information on:
- Student Finance
- Accommodation
- Commuting
- The next stages of the UCAS process
- Disabled Students’ Support
Refreshments will be available throughout the evening. Members of SHU Progress are welcome to bring a supporter with them e.g. family member, friend, personal advisor.
For more information and the opportunity to book a ticket please see the booking form: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/shu-progress-march-preparation-event-2019-tickets-54526407954