Russell Group Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference

Event: Russell Group Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference

Monday 4th May, 10am - 2pm

Update: A single online event will now replace the two conferences that were planned in Bristol and York this May. This will take place on Monday 4th May 2020 between 10am and 2pm – see below for further details.

Advancing Access supports with the delivery of the biennial Russell Group Teachers’ Conferences for teachers and careers advisers. Two events take place every two years, although a single online event will take place in 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Attendance is free.

The events

  • These events include a number of workshops which help teachers and advisers to learn more about the Russell Group universities. Attendees will learn more about the experience that their students will have at these universities and also the applications and admissions process
  • The events enable teachers and advisers to support more of their students to progress to some of the UK’s most competitive universities


Russell Group conferences are open to any teacher or adviser who works in a school or college anywhere in the UK. Attendance is always free. At these events you will have the opportunity to:

  • Hear first-hand from Russell Group university staff from across the UK
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments in higher education which will affect your students
  • Direct any questions you might have to our university staff
  • Network with other professionals
  • Learn more about the outreach opportunities which are on offer from their university partners

Forthcoming events

The two events originally scheduled to take place in Bristol and York will be replaced by a single online event. This will take place on the Advancing Access website on Monday 4th May 2020 from 10am to 2pm.

A link to register for this event can be found further down the page. If you have already registered for either the Bristol or York event they will automatically register you for the new online event.

The following webinars will be delivered during this online event:

Supporting applicants during the COVID-19 pandemic: In this session teachers will learn about how to best support university applicants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session will cover how examination grades will be determined and how these grades will be used in the admissions process. Arrangements for confirmation, clearing and adjustment for 2020 entry will also be discussed
An overview of contextual offers: This workshop will aim to explain exactly what POLAR, ACORN and IMD datasets are, how to check them for yourself and keep up to date with contextual offer policies at Russell Group Institutions
Student wellbeing support during transition and beyond: With the increasing awareness of the importance of mental health and wellbeing support, we aim to summarise the support available at university during the transition from school/college and throughout the student lifecycle. The focus of the workshop will be on success and progression support available at universities using a case study approach
Supporting students with their UCAS application and interview: A workshop for those new to their role. This session will summarise our top tips to supporting students in personal statement writing, writing the teacher references and interview preparation tips for students
Understanding admissions at University: Led by admissions professionals, this session will give an overview of common practices in Russell Group admissions to enable delegates to better understand the full admissions process from application to offer making from a university perspective
General alternative routes in HE: An overview of the evolving landscape of degree apprenticeships and foundation year programmes
Student finance and budgeting: This session will include an overview of Student Finance England for Home/EU students for 2020/21 entry. This session will also include advice to give to students on how to make their money go further and additional sources of funding such as bursaries and scholarships

Who should attend?

These events are designed for:

  • Teachers who work in state schools or colleges (including classroom teachers, form tutors, headteachers and head of year or sixth form)
  • Careers advisers
  • Careers leaders

You can find more information here.


See all events

  • Conference
  • Virtual

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