Event: Pride and Prejudice: A Conversation with Ben Hunte
Tuesday 23rd February, 2pm - 4pm
Hallam LGBT+ Staff Network and Sheffield Hallam Students Union are proud to present Pride and Prejudice: A Conversation with Ben Hunte, a celebration of LGBT+ History and look towards an inclusive future.
Ben is an accomplished journalist at the BBC, as their first-ever LGBT+ correspondent, covering LGBT issues around the world including homophobia Poland’s “LGBT Free Zones” and how LGBT+ Britain’s are still being failed today. The event is open to staff, students and the general public. Book your place via the event link – Zoom links will be sent out nearer the time. Ben will also be taking questions during the session – if you want to send your question in advance, please email ! HROD Advisory.
About Ben – https://www.benhunte.com/