Event: Medicine and Healthcare Online Workshops
Monday 4th May - Friday 22nd May
The University of Leeds’ Online Workshops
The University of Leeds’ online workshops have been designed to help you navigate the application processes and make an informed decision when applying to study a health profession at University. Delivered by the outreach team and lasting around an hour, each of their workshops are focussed around a particular theme, with time to answer any questions you may have.
Each of these online workshops will be run in a webinar format, so you won’t need a microphone or camera to take part. To keep their sessions as interactive as possible, the outreach team recommends that you have access to a computer / laptop / tablet, as well as a mobile device in order to take part in the interactive parts of the workshop. If this isn’t possible, they are more than happy for you to watch, listen and enjoy the session without contributing to the interactive elements.
Workshop Timetable
Mastering the Application Process
This series aims to help you make the right decision for you, and prepare you for the application process. More details including dates and times of sessions can be found here.
Applying to Medicine and Dentistry
Part 2 of the programme looks at life studying Medicine and Dentistry. With sessions looking at the courses at Leeds, they also look at how you can best prepare for your upcoming admissions tests and interviews, as well as what to think about when choosing a fifth choice course. More details including dates and times of sessions can be found here.
Discovering Professional Areas
This series of workshops explore other professions within Medicine and Health. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from some of the students at Leeds about their experiences studying these professions, and ask them any questions you might have. More details including dates and times of sessions can be found here.
Request Your Place
To take part in the online workshops, you should be a current Year 11 or Year 12 / First Year Level 3 student interested in applying to a Medicine, Dentistry, Healthcare or Psychology course in the future. Priority access will be given to students who meet the University’s Access to Leeds criteria, however the outreach team will do all they can to ensure they can meet demand for these sessions.
To request your place on one or more of the workshops, please complete the online application form. Applications close at 23:59 on Tuesday 29th April 2020.
You will be informed if you have been successful in applying for your chosen workshops on Wednesday 30th April.
If you have any questions, please do contact the Health Sciences team.