Information Sessions for Disabled Students

Event: Information Sessions for Disabled Students

The Disability Transitions Officer at the University of Sheffield is able to deliver free information sessions and activities for your students about the support available for disabled students at university. This is to encourage more disabled young people to consider progression to higher education (any higher education institution, not just those considering the University of Sheffield).

Students with a long-term impairment or condition that has an impact on their studies are likely to be eligible for academic support and adjustments at university but are often unaware of this when applying. These events can provide help to raise the aspirations of disabled learners who might be thinking of applying to university by providing information on the support available and how to go about setting this up.

This includes students who:
• have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD)/learning difference like dyslexia or dyspraxia
• have a mental health condition like depression or an anxiety disorder
• have a long standing illness or health condition like epilepsy or chronic fatigue syndrome
• are autistic
• have a neurodevelopmental condition like AD(H)D
• have a physical impairment or mobility difficulty
• are blind or partially sighted
• are D/deaf or hearing impaired
• have a speech, language or communication difficulty (e.g. a stammer)

How are sessions delivered?
Activities are delivered by the Disability Transitions Officer to students in schools/colleges (physically and virtually) or on campus. Events can be tailored to the needs of your students/school/college. This could include:

• A talk, in your school or held virtually, from university staff and current students about university support. We also welcome parent/carer/supporter attendance
• Information stalls during Higher Education events, Careers fairs etc
• On campus activities e.g. a campus tour, taster lecture, activities and talks delivered by current university students about their experiences of accessing academic support
• On-campus events that are tailored to a specific group of students, such as autistic students
• Staff training, CPD events about the support available for disabled students in higher education
• Or, a session tailored to the needs of your school and students

To book a session if would like to find out more, please contact

See all events

  • At your school/college
  • Bespoke - available on request
  • Disabled Learner
  • On-campus

HeppFEST Reloaded is LIVE! Rediscover four days of FREE sessions to inspire, motivate and increase the confidence of students on their journey to Higher Education. Visit website