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Event: Hepp Parent and Carer Twilight Sessions – Supporting disabled students into HE

Tuesday 28th November 2023 - 17.00 - 18.00

Featuring the disability support teams from Sheffield Hallam University, The University of Sheffield and Barnsley College HE.

The event will:

  • Find out about the support offered at institutions for disabled students.
  • Have the opportunity to speak to current disabled students who are studying at a higher education institution.
  • Hear how important it is to disclose at an early stage to receive the correct support.

An opportunity to receive important up-to-date information on the disability support provided to enable young people to fulfil their aspirations.

See all events

  • Disabled Learner
  • Virtual

HeppFEST Reloaded is LIVE! Rediscover four days of FREE sessions to inspire, motivate and increase the confidence of students on their journey to Higher Education. Visit website