Close the Lockdown Gap – Tutoring

Event: Close the Lockdown Gap – Tutoring

The chance to help provide 100,000 hours of free education to help close the lockdown gap.

It’s almost been a year of unstable learning environments for secondary school students. They deserve all possible support to try and alleviate inequalities that they have no control over. Whilst some schools are well-resourced and can cope just fine with remote learning, others are really struggling.

Scientists are worried about the cognitive discrepancies that could arise later in life if something is not done to close the lockdown gap. University Students, Graduates, Teachers and Professors can help by volunteering anything from 30 minutes of their time to help fill an educational divide that widens each day that this pandemic continues.

The process could not be simpler for both students and teachers:

  1. Register

  2. Choose a topic and time that suits you

  3. Have a session with a volunteer tutor

For further information please email Mustafaen (Founder of at


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  • Bespoke - available on request
  • Virtual

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