Connect, the College Careers Community

Event: Connect, the College Careers Community

Introducing Connect, The College Careers Community.

The College Careers Community is an exciting new forum for colleges to share best practice and resources. Created by The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC), in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC), it is a place to connect and collaborate to drive innovation – and it takes the form of a termly interactive resource pack that provides national access to local expertise.

1. Offers strategic support

The College Careers Community is a virtual community created to reflect and respond to the differing needs of careers professionals within the sector.

2. Drives innovation

They think it’s important to drive innovation and collaboration within careers and enterprise activities at a national level and we are keen to connect and highlight the work of any clusters or individual institutions.

3. Keeps you up-to-date

Their aim is to promote locally developed best practice. The community provides specific support around the Gatsby Benchmarks, features innovative approaches and responds to sector needs.

4. Designed for college careers professionals

The College Careers Community supports all careers professionals in colleges in England; whether your role is strategic careers leadership or directly supporting young people with their careers journeys.

5. Provides the opportunity to share

By being part of the College Careers Community, you will gain access to exclusive spotlight webinars and have the opportunity to share your own best practice on a national level.

Connect. Innovate. Collaborate.

They would love you to be part of our community, so please register today.

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